Australia is known across the world for its ability to produce high quality rice. When you compare the Australian average of 8-12 tons per hectare with the South East Asian average of about 3.7 tons tons per hectare, it is clear that there are very important differences. Why are their such significant differences? Mostly it comes down to soil science, fertilier quality and application know-how; and Sterling Rice specializes in the implementation of such High Yielding Rice Systems. Most importantly, Sterling Rice has developed a 2-step system using only non-chemical inputs:
Increase yields dramatically by applying soil science and changing any existing methodology.
Stop using chemicals and start using highly effective non-chemicals inputs instead.
Once the paddy is clean and the environment taken care of, introduce aquaculture to double the income.
Sterling Rice will help farmers produce higher rice yields immediately by implementing a new higher yielding rice system. Most of South East Asia is known for ‘Over-application’, because farmers try to ensure higher yields by simply applying more and more fertilizer - until it quickly becomes too much and start working against them. Sterling Rice will show farmers how to change their existing system by keeping a closer eye on soil-quality, fertilizer quality and make better use of the soil-science behind it all – as this will all contribute to immediate higher yields. In Malaysia, Sterling Rice has already had great success taking farmers from 3.5t per 1.2 hectare (3 acres) plot to 9.34mt per hectare.
Sterling Rice will help farmers move away from the use of dangerous chemical fertilizers and start a much more environmentally friendly process by using only non-chemical soil inputs. When using large amounts of fertilizer, farmers not only run the danger of making their own fields too toxic; but most of these fertilizers and pesticides actually end up being wasted, leaching through the soil into our water tables and becoming an environmental concern instead. In many parts of the world, thought to be pristine, chemical fertilizers are wreaking havoc on nature. Sterling Rice will show farmers how to stop using the poisonous chemicals and instead use non-chemical products with very high effectiveness. Some people believe using non-chemical is less productive, but with a return to nature, Sterling Rice will demonstrate how non-chemicals can outperform chemicals outright.
This becomes even more of a necessity when countries, in order to produce more rice, simply add more ‘poorly managed’ land to the overall production. Unfortunately, as rice operations grow in South East Asia and countries are able to increase rise production overall, the result is that rice yields are still dropping, more wasted fertilizers end up leaching through the ground, there is more pollution and individual farmers are now earning even less than before.
Sterling Rice will help farmers add a second revenue stream to their rice operation. This will greatly improve the income of farmers around the region as we as the livelihoods of their communities. Once a paddy is no longer toxic, then it is clean enough to add a second revenue stream, such as aquaculture; and in our case, we like to introduce Carp or Tilapia in order to specifically be able to efficiently combat the Golden Apple snail at the same time, which is a really difficult and very costly pest for paddy farmers around the world to deal with.
Rice fish systems have been in use for 2000 years and it is still practiced in pockets – but modern farming has taken over and its chemical requirement is literally robbing farmers from adding a logical second revenue stream to their rice operation. Rice+Fish co-culture farming is based on a mutually beneficial symbiotic relationship between the rice and the fish that is developed when introduced into the same ecosystem – and it carries many social, economic and environmental benefits.
The impact of better higher yields, as well as the elimination of chemicals in the rice fields across South East Asia, is totally self-explanatory. It is such a major step forward is the modernization and improvement of the region’s rice industry that will have to be considered a total game changer – not to mention that it changes a farmer’s life to make a decent living.
As for the convertion of rice fields into Rice+Fish farming, it has simple benefits such as risk reduction through diversification of the farming system, which may be a strong attraction to many farmers and their families; but along with reducing the emission of greenhouse gases, integrated Rice+Fish co-culture systems also has proven beneficial effects on farm income and the overall improvement of liveslihoods across entire communities. Unlike monoculture, a Rice+Fish co-culture program can be highly viable, environmentally friendly and low-cost; as well as a low-risk additional economic activity offering increased income and for rural farming communities to be able to produce a more complete diet (carbohydrates and protein) from the same land.
A sustainable intensification of agricultural production systems such as Rice+Fish could permanently contribute to food security, improved nutrition, added income generation, as well as the prevention of malaria (as mosquito larvae are predated by fish), conservation of biodiversity through reduction of pesticides, pest regulation by fish predation and the establishment of beneficial carbon and nutrients cycles. Fish also provide plant protection by eating insect pests, improve water quality by increasing oxygenation and implementing such systems is recorded as increasing rice yields by up to 10 (ten) percent.
The extra production of fish provides both more food for the family, as well as additional income through sales at market. The Rice+Fish system can also offer farmers the opportunity to charge premium prices for their by branding of either ‘Non-chemical’ or ‘Non-Chemical’ farm products. In addition, there will be promising agro-tourism developments dowstream, as the cleaner farm lands will bring back tourists into the area and produce aditional benefits to the local community. There will be many more family hotels in the villages and it is a way of adding more value to agriculture and comunities.
It is particularly important to emphasize the importance of Rice+Fish farming, as fish in rice fields, actually, have contributed so much in the past - and it can continue to contribute towards food security and poverty alleviation of many people in rural areas today. Sadly, only a few million hectares have to date been converted to Rice+Fish culture. This low adoption rate is primarily due to the introduction of high yielding rice varieties, involving the heavy use of pesticides, and that has really impeded the culture of Rice+Fish farming.
Using a semi-mechanized cultivation system, we achieved to produce a total paddy tonnage of 9.84mt, in 107 Days within a paddy area in Malaysia where farmers would only produce 3.5t per 1.2 hectare (3 acres) plot. The amazing story here is NOT that we managed to do 9.34mt (because in Australia and other places technology makes it possible to do much more), but that we were able to show the dramatic yield increases that can be achieved in ordinary paddy fields owned by ordinary farmers. We simply changed germination and fertilizer application as well as soil conditioning – however, we still had no control over water in these tests.
As you can see from the pictures (above), the root growth is excellent, ensuring that the infant paddy plants are in optimum health when transplanted. This is important – because it makes the shoots too strong and therefore inedible to many pests in the early stage of planting. It is also a well-known fact that paddy cultivated using chemicals produces rice that can be high in Arsenic. Many countries are known for having high levels of arsenic content, but also cadmium and mercury. These are all very dangerous substances and it is naturally totally undesirable in the production of healthy food and/or baby foods - hence, in many countries, much rice cannot be used in the production for baby foods and in some cases is even known for being too high for adults.
Arsenic is one of the world’s most toxic elements capable of killing a human even in small doses. Believe or not – but arsenic is a huge problem in rice worldwide and this does not exclude VIETNAM, which also has huge problem with arsenic content in its homegrown rice. In fact, a very large part of rice produced around the world cannot be exported as it exceeds the arsenic regulatory limits of most nations and it is therefore solely consumed locally. The situation is so bad that even China has implemented a regulatory limit in order to prevent the entry of arsenic containing rice into China.
Arsenic has been infiltrating the food chain for many years, but the problem is only getting worse, as the results of human activity. Chemical fertilisers, pesticides and herbicides, have been producing widespread pollution and thereby continuously raises the levels of arsenic in our foods, posing a serious health risk. This is especially converning in less developed markets, where the water they are supposed to clean the rice with also contains arsenic - and it therefore also makes paddy rice particularly susceptible to arsenic contamination. Is it a concern? Yes, there is no doubt, arsenic in rice is a problem as it may pose a direct health risk to those who eat rice every day in considerable amounts. This obviouly applies to people in Asia or people with Asian-based diets mostly, but also young children who can be at risk as they eat a lot of rice-based products, such as rice-based infant formulas, rice crackers, rice pudding and/or rice milk. Young children can be especially vulnerable because of their small body size, so feeding them rice-based products in some parts of the world every day may be ill advised. Of course, not all rice products contain high arsenic levels, but determining the arsenic content of a particular rice product may be difficult (or impossible) without actually measuring it in a lab. There are today plenty leading brands selling rice-based products worldwide having problems of produc sourcing, because certain countries of origin who produce lots of rice contain too much arsenic. Sourcing is becoming more adn more complicated for large brands producing: Rice milk, rice bran, rice-based breakfast cereals, rice cereal, rice-based baby foods, rice crackers, brown rice syrup as well as cereal bars containing rice and/or brown rice syrup.
IMPORTANT: Our non-chemical inputs are also able to minimize the presence of other poisonous elements such as CADMIUM and Mercury.
The decision about what type of aquaculture to choose for a specific region has to be made carefully, because when it comes to co-habitation it is not all about market value. Certain aquatic animals are better suited than others at controlling specific types of insects or weeds, so everything depends on finding the right balance between what is most advantageous for the farmer and what is the most cost-effective. In the South East Asian region we personally prefer using Tilapia or carp, because we use these particular fish to combat and control a specific pest – a mollusk called the Golden Apple Snail.
In modern rice monocultures farmers will resort to using specially poisonous chemicals in order to kill these mollusk. However, this costs extra money and it needs to be done again and again, because a ‘one-time pesticide solution’ does not exist. The extra cost makes this option almost entirely inaccessible to many smaller farmers – and if a farmer either wants to grow organic rice or just ensure a second revenue stream by having fish and/or ducks, then this option of using very strong poisonous pesticides to kill the Golden Apple Snail is impossible.
If a farmer decides to use Fish (either Carp or Tilapia), not only is he able to give himself a real fighting chance against the Golden Apple Snail, but he will also be able to add a second revenue stream to his farming activities and that can be highly advantageous.
The Carp or Tilapia can be harvested from the rice fields by netting, hooking, trapping, harpooning, throwing nets, or simply by draining the field. More systems can also be implemented depending on costs – but in large scale farming operations, mechanization would be needed to be used in order to add a more elaborate recovering system. An example of stocking rate is: 2,500 Common carp and 1,250 Tilapia per hectare, which can turn into a considerable additional income. In large scale projects, this could quickly represent an entirely additional business on equal footing with the rice.
Water plays an important role in any co-culture agricultural system and it is important to be in control of the source of water (river, pond, well or bore). Rice requires about 15–20 cm and the fish requires a depth of water closer to 65-100 cm. This difference dictates much of the set-up.
Simultaneous farming
In simultaneous farming, the rice and fish are grown simultaneously in the same field and the idea is to harvest both the rice and the fish at the same time. The synchronous Rice+Fish system requires that the fish be ready for sale after 4 month of growth. This type of system is best used by farmers who are seeking to sell young fish, smaller fish or quite simply shrimp or crawfish which would mature at the same time as a rice crop. Usually, in this type of system, the chosen aquatic specie’s seed would be released into the trenches/pond about 5 days after transplanting or after proper rooting of the rice seedlings. For any aquatic taking longer than 4 month to maturity this system is not workable.
Rotation farming
Rice+Fish rotation farming is a simple method of farming the fish after harvesting the rice, using the same water. The fields remain flooded without removing the rice stubbles. The only difference is that the dykes are built higher in order to cater for the shallow water depth of rice and then raise the levels for the fish later. The reason some farmers prefer this system is because they are using a certain amount of chemical pesticides – too much for the fish – and they count on the fact that it will degrade sufficiently during the interval between harvesting of rice, so they can stock with fish. The rice stubbles in the water at the bottom of the field will dissolve in the water and facilitate the growth of decomposing microbes which served as food for the farmer’s chosen aquatic specie. This decomposition of stubbles also enriches the water and soil with natural fertilizer utilized by the next cycle of rice.
As there are no deep trenches for fish to seek refuge, rotation farming can have a huge loss of maybe 20–60% fish due to piscivorous birds like herons and cormorants – but on the other hand it requires no trenches, no depth of water, less technique and less labor.
Relay farming
The name ‘relay’ itself indicates it is a prolonged farming. Relay farming is a more complicated system compared to Simultaneous or Rotation farming as it is a combination of these two methods. In this farming system, rice and fish start-out like Simultaneous farming, but the fish are not harvested after only 4 month, which is the same time as the first crop of rice. This means that relay farming requires longer time, because it waits for the fish to reach full maturity. To do so requires quite a bit more planning, but the results are obvious as a farmer can get crops of rice and 1 harvest of mature fish per year out of his field. For example, as seen in the pictures above, the fish can be swimming in the directly in the paddy and then retiring into or transferred over into special ditches/ponds within the field. As the water is let out, the fish will refuge where the water is deepest and stay there till rice is sown again and water levels raised again. Another solution is to only use the outside channels for the fish and not have them get into the actual paddy. They will keep the channels snail free and water can then pour into the paddy fields through a series of water-gates installed with screen mesh at all water inlets. This will prevent the entry of both fish into the paddy field and as there are no snails in the channels there will be no snails coming from the channel water into the paddy fields. While this system is the most profitable, it also needs the most investment.
We are in the process of negotiating with the Thai rice producer co-ops about the extent of our mandate.
To know more about our project - please contact us
Business Development
T: +6012 640 5771